Our Platform

Our Telemedicine platform revolutionizes healthcare by enabling healthcare providers to conduct face-to-face medical exams with patients regardless of physical distance. Simultaneously, it empowers real-time monitoring of vital signs such as heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and weight. Additionally, it enables seamless discussions between patients and providers, allowing them to address symptoms and medical issues promptly.

Our Story

Founded in 2022, EMA Telemed represents a remarkable technological advancement in Telemedicine, enabling healthcare providers to remotely access precise biometric readings of patients. This includes real-time monitoring of vital signs such as heart rate, blood oxygen, temperature, blood pressure, and weight.

With the patient's vital signs displayed on the healthcare provider's smart tablet, laptop, or monitor, both parties can engage in real-time discussions regarding symptoms and medical concerns. All of this is accomplished over a secure and HIPAA-compliant transmission, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of patient information. Presently, no other Telemedicine platform on the market offers the capability to monitor vital signs in real-time during patient examinations, distinguishing our platform.

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